Wednesday, 3 October 2007

PSA Maintenance not possible: Process chain error

If there is no PSA, the other option would be to change the data in the new data table of the ODS Object. This can be done in debug mode in the production.
Step 1: Goto the ODS object manage by right clicking on the ODS object

Step 2: In the contents tab, select the ‘New Data’ table. This will contain the request which have not been activated in the ODS object because of invalid characters.

Step 3: Find the record with invalid characters in this table. Select the record by checking the check box against it, put a /h in the execution bar and click on . You will see the message ‘Debugging switched on’ appear at the status bar.

Step 4: After you see the debug message in the status bar, click on the display button

Step 5: You will see the debugging screen shown below.

Step 6: Now click on ‘F7’ to exit from the subroutine. You will see the below shown screen.

Step 7: At this point, double click on ‘code’ and you will see it below with its current value which is ‘SHOW’.

Step 8: Now I change the value ‘SHOW’ to ‘EDIT’ and save the changes by clicking on the change button shown below.

Step 8: After doing the above, press ‘F8’ to exit out of debugging. Now you will see that the record is editable.
Step 10: Correct the invalid character and save the record. This kind of changes can be done by selecting many records as well.
Step 11: After doing the changes in the New data table, activate the request and it should go through successfully.

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