Wednesday, 24 October 2007

BI7 Flat files Upload

This File will help you people to understand about the basic steps involved in uploading a Flat File to an Infocube in BI7(SAP NetWeaver 2004s). The material was provided by SAP consultant Mr. Vinod Chollampat.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Transporting Reports from Development to Testing System

This is a simple procedure, U need this often. Go through the steps.
1> Create Your BEx report (Queries, Workbooks etc)
2> Goto RSA1 (Admin Workbench) and click on the "Transport Connection"
3> Select "Object Type", Goto "Query Element" and click on "Query"
4> Select " Select Objects" which gives you infoareas where you need to find your query
5> Give your query name to search, and transfer that, it will take a few minutes and give you the query and all associated objects on the "Collected Objects"
6> In the same way select Your "Work book" and collect it
7> Check the "Transport" Column and Click on the "Truck" on the top
(Here either One could click the "BEx Transport" button in the top and transport it confining in a package. For example for the APO queries the package will be something named Z_MULT_CUBE*. This may differ with the kind of implimentation)
8> It will ask for request. Create your request and click "Continue"
9> For Releasing the request. Goto SE09. Release all tasks under your request(if any truck icon in menu bar)
10> Then release the "Transport Request"
11> Open Quality system. Goto "STMS" in Quality and check the import queue.
12> You should see your request here. Just click on this import this to Quality.

Monday, 8 October 2007

SAP HR activation

SAP Human Resource Management is a powerful way for the Corporations to control there human power.The Documents listed in the below link will help you to identify the different Datasources, Cubes and Queries in HR area.

Friday, 5 October 2007

Datasource replication

Process chains might fail if the data source is not in sync between the source and the BW system. In such a case, go to the 'Source Systems' in transaction RSA1, find the datasource, right click and select 'Replicate Datasources'. Once this is done, the transfer structure needs to be activated as well. To do this in production, run the report RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL with the source system name and the infosource name. This will activate the transfer structure.NOTE: For master data using direct upload the infosource name is the name of the info object itself.

Master data issues

Sometimes the issue is related to the master data in R/3 or APO and hence the process chain fails. In such scenarios the data needs to be corrected in the Source System and the data needs to be reloaded. Eg: The source system delivers double records for a particular info object. In such a case the data in the souce system has to be corrected and the data reloaded.

Outbound Queue issues

Sometimes it is found that there are outbound queue SMQ1 has not been cleared for a long time. The reason could be that a particular info package has not run. In such situations analysis needs to be done as to why the info package is not run and it has to be scheduled accordingly. We must run the corresponding infopackage to clear the qRFC data that support the BW delta queue. The queue listed here is the delta queue in BW. It gets cleared automatically when the data is pulled successfully into BW. Some of the queues are cleared on a daily basis and some on a weekly basis. Based on the frequency of the pull the data is updated in the queue.

Transactional RFC errors

The transaction RFC errors can be seen via the transaction SM58. Usually, there is a short dump accompanying tRFC errors. The details of the error message can be found in the dump and corrective actions taken accordingly.

To reload the data

There are frequent requests from users to reload data for eg: SNP data into BW because the previously loaded data was incorrect. We cannot run the process chain directly because the chain is already scheduled in Production and restarting it directly would delete the scheduling. Hence in such a scenario the process chain can be restarted by copying the process chain job. The steps are as follows:

1. Right click on the process chain and select 'Display all jobs'.

2. Select the 'Released' job and from the 'Job' menu item select 'Copy'.

3. Rename the job and click on 'Copy'. This creates a copy of the process chain job.

4. Next go to sm37 transaction and find the newly created job. This job has the status 'Scheduled' and it can be released. Once released it starts the process chain and the regular scheduling of the chain is not disturbed.

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Missing Index: Process chain Error

Sometimes there might be missing indexes in the PW1 environment. This can be checked in transaction DBO2 (Missing Indexes). Sometimes it could be such that the DB statistics were run at a time while the cubes are being loaded and hence the indexes are missing. Hence the first step for such issues is to refresh the data base statistics as shown in the figure. Doing this, updates the database statistics. If this does not solve the issue, go the infocube 'Manage', Performance tab and select 'Repair Indexes (Immediately)'. After this the database statistics need to be updated again via DBO2.If the table for which the index is missing not an infocube, in such a case the index can be created as shown in the first diagram. Highlight the index and select 'Create in DB'.

PSA Maintenance not possible: Process chain error

If there is no PSA, the other option would be to change the data in the new data table of the ODS Object. This can be done in debug mode in the production.
Step 1: Goto the ODS object manage by right clicking on the ODS object

Step 2: In the contents tab, select the ‘New Data’ table. This will contain the request which have not been activated in the ODS object because of invalid characters.

Step 3: Find the record with invalid characters in this table. Select the record by checking the check box against it, put a /h in the execution bar and click on . You will see the message ‘Debugging switched on’ appear at the status bar.

Step 4: After you see the debug message in the status bar, click on the display button

Step 5: You will see the debugging screen shown below.

Step 6: Now click on ‘F7’ to exit from the subroutine. You will see the below shown screen.

Step 7: At this point, double click on ‘code’ and you will see it below with its current value which is ‘SHOW’.

Step 8: Now I change the value ‘SHOW’ to ‘EDIT’ and save the changes by clicking on the change button shown below.

Step 8: After doing the above, press ‘F8’ to exit out of debugging. Now you will see that the record is editable.
Step 10: Correct the invalid character and save the record. This kind of changes can be done by selecting many records as well.
Step 11: After doing the changes in the New data table, activate the request and it should go through successfully.

PSA maintanence

Sometimes the inclusion of the character is not possible in RSKC because of byte length differences. Here the option is to correct the invalid character in BW and fix it in the source system as well. If the data is being loaded via a PSA, in such a scenario the data can be corrected in the PSA and then reloaded into the ODS object. To edit the data in the PSA first delete the data from the data target and only then will the data be available for editing in PSA. The editing can be done by selecting many records or just by selecting a single record. Save the changed records and then reconstruct the data from the reconstruct tab in the ODS.

ODS activation fails: Process chain error

If ODS activation fails because of invalid characters the first step would be to try to insert the new character in the allowed character set in BW. The invalid character can be seen in the error message of the ODS activation. Goto transaction RSKC and insert the character at the end and click on execute. After this is done activate the ODS object and it should go through sucessfully.


I am a SAP Consultant and this blog is for all those fellows who are novice in this tool. This blog refers to all those frequent support issues, Implimentation problems, BW recent developments and Enhansements that i have come accross. I hope this will be quite helpful for all.

Obily B W