Need for Virtual KF
When we need to commit values during query execution and if the syntax is too complex to introduce it in CKF/RKF/Formula; and in a scenario where we don’t want to go for Data Provider remodeling to introduce a new KF
This will make the report more flexible and dynamic.
Virtual Key Figure will be defined inside the data provider as metadata and won’t contain any physical value.
How to create one?
Same ways as you create any other basic KF or characteristics.
Goto RSA! -> Select InfoObjects -> Select your Catalogue -> Create a new Keyfigure/Char -> Description/Technical name define it as a virtual KF/Char -> Save it -> Goto to your infoProvider-> Insert the newly created KF -> Goto your Query Designer introduce the new object
In normal case you need to implement a BADI to insert values to virtual KF.
Check Links below;