Friday, 1 October 2010

Sales and Distribution - Tables and Structures

Sales Document
VBAK Sales Document - Header Data
VBKD Sales Document - Business Data
VBUP Item Status
VBAP Sales Document - Item Data
VBPA Partners
VBFA Document Flow
VBEP Sales Document Schedule Line
VBAKUK Sales Document Header and Status Data
VBUK Header Status and Administrative Data
VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records

SD Delivery Documemt
LIPS Delivery Document item data
LIKP Delivery Document Header data

Billing Document
VBRK Billing:Header data
VBRP Billing:Item data

Material Master
MARA General Material Data
MVKE Sales Data for Material
MARC Plant Data for Material
MARD Storage Location Data for Material

Customer Master
KNA1 General Data
KNB1 Customer Master (Company Code)
KNB4 Customer Payment History
KNB5 Customer master (dunning data)
KNBK Customer Master (Bank Details)
KNBW Customer master record (withholding tax types)
KNKA Customer Master Credit Mgmt.
KNKK Customer Master Credit Control Area Data (credit limits)
KNVA Customer Master Loading Points
KNVD Customer master record sales request form
KNVH Customer Hierarchies
KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator
KNVK Customer Master Contact Partner
KNVL Customer Master Licenses
KNVP Customer Master Partner Functions
KNVS Customer Master Shipping Data
KNVT Customer Master Record Texts for Sales
KNVV Customer Master Sales Data
KLPA Customer/Vendor Link

KOMK Pricing Communications-Header - Structure
KOMP Pricing Communication Item - Structure
KONV Conditions (Transaction Data)
KONP Conditions (Item)

NAST Message Status

SD Shipping Unit
VEKP Shipping unit item (Content)
VEPO Shipping Unit Header

Delivery Due Index - item
VBUP: Item status
VBAP: Sales document: Item data
VBKD: Sales document: Business Data
VEBA: Contract
VBLB: Forecast delivery schedules
VBEP: Sales document: Schedule line
VBBE: Individual requirements
VBBS: Summarized requirements
VBUV: Incompletion log
VBFA: SD document flows
VBPA: Partner
JSTO: PP status
NAST: Output
STXH: Texts: Header
STXL: Texts: Lines
KONV: Conditions

SALES - header
VBUK: Header status and administrative data
VBAK: Sales document: Header data
VBKD: Sales document: Business Data
VAKPA: Partner index
VEDA: Contract
VBPA: Partner
VBUV: Incompletion log
VBFA: SD document flows
VMVA: Matchcodes
STXH: Texts: Header
STXL: Texts: Line
NAST: Output
JSTO: PP status

Sales activities
VBKA Sales activity
VBUV: Incompletion log
VBPA: SD document: Partner
SADR: Address
VBFA: SD document flows
NAST: Output
STXH: Texts: Header
STXL: Texts: Lines

Logical database:
AK V: Sales documents

Bill of Material (BOM)
MAST Material assignment to BOM
EQST Equipment assignment to BOM
KDST Sales order assignment to BOM
DOST Document assignment to BOM
STST Standard object assignment to BOM
TPST Functional location assignment to BOM
STKO BOM header data
STZU Time-independent STL data
STAS BOM item selection
STPO BOM item data
STPU BOM sub-item data

MARA General material data
MAKT Short texts
MARM Conversion factors
MVKE Sales data (for each sales organization and distribution channel)
MLAN Sales data (for each country)
MAEX Export licenses
MARC Plant data
MBEW Valuation data
MLGN Warehouse management inventory data
MLGT Warehouse management inventory type data
MVER Consumption data
MAPR Pointers for forecast data
MARD Storage location data
MCH1 Cross-plant batches
MCHA Batches
MCHB Batch stocks
KNMTK Header table
for increased performance
KNMT Data table

Logical databank for material master
CKM Material master
MSM Material master

KNA1 Customer master, general information
KNVK Contact person
KNVV Customer master, sales area
KNVA Unloading points
KNVI Tax indicators
KNVP Partner functions
KNVD Documents
KNVL Licenses
KNVS Shipping data

Sales and Distribution (SD)
VBFA Document flow (alg.)
VTFA Flow shipping documents

Sales order
VBAK Header data
VBAP Item data
VBPA Partners in sales order
VBKD Sales district data
VBEP Data related to line items, delivery lines

Billing document
VBRK header data
VBRP Item data

VTTK Shipment header
VTTP Shipment item
VTTS Stage in transport
VTSP Stage in transport per shipment item
VTPA Shipment partners
VEKP Handling Unit - Header Table
VEPO Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)

LIKP Delivery header
LIPS Delivery item

KONH Conditions header
KONP Conditions items
KONV Procedure ( billing doc or sales order)
KOND contracts
VEDA Contract data

orginal link

Thursday, 5 August 2010

SAP GUI 7.20 Download

This is a new release for SAP GUI compatible with Windows7 and Office2010. Please click the link and download the file directly.

The new SAP GUI release comes with a number of useful new features:
- Support for Windows 7 operating system & Office 2010 package (32bit version)
- SAP Logon: Hierarchical organization of items in an explorer like view and a tree like view.
- SAP Logon: With release 7.20, an administrator can define a central saplogon.ini which can be merged into the local user specific saplogon.ini.
- Options Dialog: Almost all options have been merged into a new user friendly dialog that replaces Tweak SAP GUI and the old options dialog.
- Security Enhancements: A set of maintainable security rules which allow administrators and users to prevent unwanted access to the client PCs from SAP systems have been defined.
- Animated Focus Frame: Improved visualization of the focus and its movement across the screen.
- High Contrast Theme for SAP Signature Design: Improved visual design for users with visual impairments, based on the successful SAP Signature Design.
- Better organization of local data: Downloaded files, traces, scripts and other local objects are stored in different folders (roaming and local) according to Windows standards.

Besides this SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 is fully compatible with older SAP GUI releases.

Since SAP GUI for Windows 6.20 will be out of maintenance as of 1st of January 2011 and SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 will be out of maintenance as of 13th of April 2011 we recommend to start planning the upgrade to release 7.20 as soon as possible.

Download link

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Infopackage dynamic selection routine

This will explain , how to give dynamic selection for periodic loading using infopackages.
After creating an infopackage go to "Data Selection" tab. Give Type - 6 Abap Routine for the required selection criteria. Here I am loading the data with selection "Previous Month" (0calmonth).

Give a description and click enter. It will move to the Scheduler routine screen.

Enter the code as below (highlighted).

*$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line *-*
data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
read table l_t_range with key
fieldname = 'CALMONTH'.
l_idx = sy-tabix.
l_t_range-low = sy-datum(6) - 1.
l_t_range-high = sy-datum(6) - 1.
modify l_t_range index l_idx.

p_subrc = 0.

*$*$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line *-*

Save this.

This will make the month range to previous month . "l_t_range" table is of type structure RSSDLRANGE (contains Sign, Option, Low, High). We need to populate these fields to pass range dynamically.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Data Store objects
Data Store objects (Similar to ODS of earlier versions) serves as a storage location for consolidated and cleansed transaction/ master data on a document level. This data can be used in BEx reporting. This deals with flat reporting and not at all related to extended star schema or multidimensional structure in infocube. DSOs contains key fields and data fields. Key fields forms the key combination of the characteristics and data fields contains key figures and other characteristics. A standard data store object contains three tables
1> New data table

2> Change log Table

3> Active data table
New data table (Activation queue): Used to save Data Store object data records that need to be updated, but that have not yet been activated. After activation, this data is deleted if all requests in the activation queue have been activated.

Active data: A table containing the active data (A table). Reporting of DSOs are done from Active data table.

Change log: Contains the change history for the delta update from the Data Store object into other data targets, such as other Data Store objects or Info Cubes.
The tables of active data are built according to the Data Store object definition. This means that key fields and data fields are specified when the Data Store object is defined. The new data table and the change log are almost identical in structure: the new data table has an SID as its key, the package ID and the record number; the change log has the request ID as its key, the package ID, and the record number.

Data can be loaded from several source systems at the same time because a queuing mechanism enables a parallel INSERT. The key allows records to be labeled consistently in the activation queue. The data arrives in the change log from the New data table and is written to the table for active data upon activation. During activation, the requests are sorted according to their logical keys. This ensures that the data is updated to the table of active data in the correct request sequence.

Over Writing functionality

If two records of same key combination comes then over writing will happen. With in a request the over writing is done in update rules. Within different request over writing is done during activation in change log table.

Example for Activating and Updating Data
1. Request 1 with amount 10 and request 2 with amount 30 are loaded parallel into the DataStore object. This takes you to the activation queue. You are given a unique request ID there.

2. When you carry out the activation step, the requests are sorted by key, transferred into the table containing the active data, and immediately deleted from the activation queue. In the table containing the active data, the amount 10 is replaced by 30 (since Overwrite is set as the update type).

3. When you activate the data, the change log is also notified: The old record from the active table is saved as a negative (-10) and the new record is stored as a positive (+30).

4. If all the records are activated, you can update the changes to the data records for the DataStore object in the related Info Provider in a separate step. The amount in this example is increased in the related Info Providers by 20.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Process chain maintenance - Process Types

Process types are maintained in table "RSPROCESSTYPES"
In RSPC screen goto Settings -> Maintain Process types
Please check a list below for process types and description.