Thursday, 12 February 2009

SAP APO an overview

The SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer builds on
the SAP Business Framework to improve information
flow by incorporating real-time collaborative decision
support, advanced planning, and optimization into the
SAP R/3 System. SAP APO uses a powerful memory
resident analytical engine and highly specialized, highly
configurable data objects that offer major new
>> Supply Chain Cockpit

>> Demand Planning

>> Supply Network Planning and Deployment

>> Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling

>> Global Available-to-Promise

SAP - Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO)


Model, Monitor and Manage the supply chain with a graphical “bird’s eye” view of activities
Slide 11
Demand Planning - analyze patterns, etc. to create demand forecasts.
Slide 11
Supply Network Planning & Deployment - load balancing - match purchasing, production and transportation processes to demand