1. copy the variant from the popup to the variante of table rspcprocesslog
2. copy the instance from the popup to the instance of table rspcprocesslog
3. copy the start date from the popup to the batchdate of table rspcprocesslog Press F8 to display the entries of table rspcprocesslog.
Now open another session and goto transaction se37. Enter RSPC_PROCESS_FINISH as the name of the function module and run the fm in test mode.
Now copy the entries of table rspcprocesslog to the input parameters of the function module like described as follows:
1. rspcprocesslog-log_id -> i_logid
2. rspcprocesslog-type -> i_type
3. rspcprocesslog-variante -> i_variant
4. rspcprocesslog-instance -> i_instance
5. enter 'G' for parameter i_state (sets the status to green).
Now press F8 to run the fm. Now the actual process will be set to green and the following process in the chain will be started and the chain can run to the end.
Of course you can also set the state of a specific step in the chain to any other possible value like 'R' = ended with errors, 'F' = finished, 'X' = cancelled ....